i told myself i would not share my drama today w. anyone..some days i regret discussing anything in my personal life @ work..it follows u around all day.. so here i will share it. the hkyplayer insisted on coming this wknd. i was adament about him NOT coming. just a LOT of family..no alone time...not necessary. but he plowed ahead and made golf plans w dad & brothers. Momma told g'ma- who then told everyone. needless to say all were very excited. most family has not seen hkyplayer since pre-France. well...guess who is now Backing Out. as of 11:30 last night. He does not have transportation...the car is in the shop & a friend (who's neck i want to ring) is backing out of letting hkyplayer borrow his car....anyone heard of amtrak...greyhound.... just sayin...last thought: i think it is important for them to meet him. i changed my life for him- ie. moving to France from NYC last yr...and potentially moving to Europe again. for him. I want their approval....hkyplayer not showing= non-approval.......but i am determined to enjoy my weekend regardless. lets hope all my flights go out ok. as i have had quite a nasty history with Jet Blue.
in the meantime, i will be listening to Bellas Lullaby through out the work day..for all you twilight fans...gearing up for New Moon!!!! i just have to say, Kristen Stewarts akward award speech just really sucked me back into things. Amaazingly awkward & hilarious.
I think we might be the same person..minus like 50 lbs. another obsession. "It Sucked & Then I Cried, How I had a Baby, A Breakdown & A Much Needed Margarita", by Heather B. Armstrong, creator of dooce.com...it is a GREAT/EASY/ENJOYABLE- LAUGH OUTLOUD read..im telling you i giggle non-stop on the Subway home.. chat soon. i hope all my 3 (!!) followers have a fab. wknd...xxxx
sorry to hear about your boytoy!! sounds like it will be a great weekend no matter what. my town just had the taste of cincinnati, but i was out of town all weekend and missed it! hope you're having a good week and get friday off :)
Rainy day in DC -- hope the weather is better in Syracuse. Have a good weekend! I hope he comes to his senses.
I'm sitting next to a window in Dunkin Donuts and there is a homeless man on the other side not three feet from me. One pane of glass separates us. He is picking his nose and staring in the window at me. Really digging in there. Like, REALLY getting down and dirty. This is incredibly creepy.
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