Tuesday, June 30, 2009

ps. HkyPlayer's old team was in Sherbrooke, QC. Hence the 'Sherbrooke Machine' shirt. Where this came from I'll never know. Did it get him free drinks at the time he played there??


music, pandora, vanilla candles..

i never blog about music. and it is such a huge part of my life, especially when the Hkyplayer was in Europe for 6mnths without moi. music gets me by. heres an oldie but goodie. good for Blah Tuesday if you ask me..
Kate Nash, The Nicest Thing
HkyPlayer & I love the song by Kate titled 'Foundations'. good tongue n cheek representation of us :). God Bless Pandora for playing me some real good tunes today,For vanilla candles on the office desk that smell so delicioooous & for upcoming wknds spent Upstate with my amazing family...
& i should be happy. i get to still wear birthday hats, and sit on my boyfriends lap. and i am loved.

' no matter how you feel; get up, dress up & show up'
okay, i did that.. can i go home now ?? :
...1 of thooose days...and my laundry is callin' my name..

Monday, June 29, 2009


VACATION WAS GREAT. As Expected! & just a complete whirlwind--my flight ended up being delayed on thursday night, eek. but i got in around midnight and hkyplayer, his Momma & Ali J *with puppy Spartan where all there to greet me. it was so nice being in his presence and sleeping by his side. he is such a great partner and my best friend :)

Friday Ali J and I were pool side with Spartan as hkyplayer and his dad worked a half day. We had a great BBQ with yummy salsa and chicken burgers on the grill, @ night we had some of his friends over and watched the NHL draft. I was the first one asleep per usual!~ Ali J and I took hkyplayer's Mom's aerobics class too. SHE KICKED MY BUTT!! His Mom is so great and gave hkyplayer n I a shout out for her one of her songs that reminds her of us...she is in such good shape and man my stomach is so sore! It was one of the wknd highlights. Ali J & I stood in the back and were laughing so hard and sweating so much! Saturday afternoon Ali J fought over who could hang out with me..which was very sweet but also frusterating! I wanted to be in both places. Ali J was going to an all girl's bruncheon and they were gone from 2-9 pm. Hkyplayer was not having that! So instead he won & we went to see transformers. (i was there more or less for cuddiling & movie theater popcorn). Saturday night we met up with his agent at a club in Montreal called
buona notte. all of the NHL 1st draft picks were there too. I wish I had a chance to speak to his agent about sending hkyplayer somewhere good AND SOON! we are so behind with hearing where he will be going this season. EEK!

I was so sad to leave, but it was a great time had by all. I decided on a whim I will be going home to Upstate NY for 4th of July wknd. I had not made any plans because I am going home the following wknd for younger brother's HS grad party. On the way home from my wknd trip I thought life is too short to not spend holidays where you want to be!! Even though it is costing an arm & leg! I am taking a limo bus on Thursday night that has wireless access- so I can work if necessary, and on the way back taking an early train so I can work Sunday night at the night job. Hkyplayer mentioned he might come down for it- but we know how that goes :)

So excited!!!!!! Somewhere in there I need to do laundry (piles and piles), get some workouts in, and meet up with Janel- a hs friend in the city I have not seen in ages for sushi!.... I'll upload pics from the wknd shortly!!!

Thursday, June 25, 2009

why is Beyonce in my head this morning?

"lemme lemme update-yaa"

so my company DID take my afternoon flight away from me yesterday. so instead of flying out this afternoon i will be flying to Montreal this evening- 9pm flight vs. 3pm flight. Yeah, it is kinda like the 'man' is bringing me down...but not so much...
1. free flight! yay! they are paying for the $800+ flight AND the flight i originally booked
2. Ali J arrives around the same time into the same airport! yay! now we can have a dramatic reunion in the airport terminal..picture the whole slow motion running into each others arms..
3. HkyPlayer said 'cool, now I can skate tonight before you get here!!', ha. & he is happy they are paying for my trip & that I am needed so badly..especially in this economy! It is nice to feel wanted by your job lemme tell ya.
Hopefully we will still get in a lot of quality time into just a few days. I just cannot wait to see him and get a big huge hug! I was in the office until 9 pm last night and got here 8am this morning! eek! Nothing a Venti Skinny Vanilla Latte from Starbucks won't fix. :) :)

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

trip itinerary!

Hkyplayer never makes a trip itinerary. he believes in going with the flow and taught me to do so as well! that was...until today! he called on my lunch break to go over the upcoming wknd vaca with me. so cute. got me so excited! he also told me his Momma is possibly even more excited than he is. if that possible. we all cannot wait for Hkyplayers sister, Ali J. to be home visiting. Hkyplayer & I have not seen her since last summer! She is so much fun to be around!! I am suppose to (cross fingers no crisis occurs tomorrow @ my job) arrive at 6pm in Montreal tomorrow night. Ali J flys in later. YAY!

Tomorrow night: RELAX! & greet Ali J at the airport-- all have some sangria!!!! I am working a half day and will be leaving the office/ and nYC at 1:00 (cross fingeeeeers)
Friday: I will have to work (boo) from his house at least in the morning, relax, enjoy the good weather (cross fingers again), lay out pool side.
@ night have a fire in their outdoor fire pit & BBQ!
Saturday: Take his Momma's work out class (shes an instructor) with Ali J, hkyplayer sleeps in. :)...then the ZOO!- one of our favs!
Sunday: Hkyplayers brother- Luke is graduating from high school!! According to the Candians..this means we meet them out downtown?! So weird! lol but ok! ill go with it! (we typically use to go out every other night when I would visit)..that was before we realized the backyard, some good sangria and comfy clothes can be just as enticing. We have been nesting as of late :) ....and i love every minute of it....but i do miss the night life of my fav. city of all time!--Montreal!

tonight i will be going home to go for a quick jog and finish packing. in my world that means going through my bag ONE MORE TIME in hopes i can eliminate some of the 10,000 lbs of luggage. ha!

to recap, last night i went to H&M before working out. i saw the huge SALE sign and couldnt resist. Got cute unders ($1-$3.00 each), a cute-summer-scarf- lepoard and pink (good for travel!!!)- $5.00, cute pjs-- i hate walking around his house in not so nice pjs- $15.00, a skirt- i am wearing today haha! $10.00) AND a comfy shirt I will wear tomorrow for work day/flight- with skinny jeans, heels and a blazer.
Do i need this stuff? NO. does it make me happy. YES. maybe I will return the stuff I end up not using or liking. Ha. Right.

P.S. H&M dressing rooms ARE not my friend. The mirrors, the lighting. I think God created us just as he wanted. I dont think we are suppose to be able to see our bum from 50 different angles in flourescent lighting.......not cute. BUT! inspired me on my run to push harder thats for sure.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

bare (bear?) with me.
my blog looks about as fashionable as i do today...

under construction.
i am not having a good 'me' day. my skirt is hanging in weird places and my shirt is to big on the top. aka. i feel frumpy. i feel unsassy. i feel not so cute.
BUT! the sun is shining!
AND i have these things on my desk......

sunkissed AND skin firming...is this a miracle in a bottle??

mmmm.....crystal light... i am known to over dose on these. i know it is not healthy. but seriously, i hate regular water. i depend on the flavor. & AGAIN! the sun is out...

??! what is better than ice cold lemonade. ??!

i love products. after my crazy mondays working both jobs i always feel so good when i cash a paycheck and use $20 of a paycheck towards new perfumes, face washes or heck..dish detergent. i cannot even explain how it cheers me up. right now i have pomegranate dish soap. i also got little tester sized shampoo and conditioners for my (possible) up coming vacation this wknd. Hkyplayer will be so amazed with his super efficient girlfriend. Usually I bring jumbo sized everything & about a million pairs of shoes. But this time I am flying. No time to be over-indulgent!

on a related topic. i was in line at duane read and they have WHIPPED reeses peanut butter cups. say what. how delissssh. mmm. i can only imagine how great they would be. chocolate & peanut butter is my weakness. My maternal gma is OBSESSED w peanut butter so i swear it is located somewhere in my genetic make up and therefore, not my fault. or problem :) BUT! i did not grab 1! I did not! Instead I bought grapes from a street vendor. 1. the weather is beaaautiful. i could practically walk around in a bikini thru Midtown Manhattan. ..doesnt really make ya want a Reeses does it?! & 2. THIS BLOG. http://www.fitnessista.com/... how amazing/gorgeous is 'G'!! This girl is an inspiration. She is also a fitness instructor/personal trainer just like Hkyplayers Momma. I cannot wait to log into her blog this wknd (possible vacation) & show Ali J and HkyMomma her blog!

hopefully this not so me day will suddenly turn into i love the summer, i love eating healthy and working out day. ps. i am so glad i brought my gym stuff to change into! looks like i am forgoing yet another happy hr for the sanity of the treadmill. sorry coworkers in advanced. :X

much needed moi time! xx have an amazing afternoon all...

... yes please...

Monday, June 22, 2009

where is everyone?!!

hi guys. feeling a bit lost today. Parents are in the Cayman islands. (LUCKYDUCKS! & so happy for them..my Momma won the all-expense-paid-trip for 2) @ work. She is officially the #3 sales rep in the country for her company. She is the Shit. Dad went with her. They texted me yesterday, this is their first flight alone since 1985, Bahamas. And technically they were not alone as she was very.very. pregnant with yours truly. :) ...so i am siked for them. She emailed me today saying they are snorkeling and kayaking and my Dad got to golf with his very own caddie. It is just weird not getting her daily txts & phone calls. Usually I txt her at the end of my days so she knows I am safe (see previous blogs about apartment getting broken into). etc.
Hometown BFFS are in Florida. They are there visiting J's Dad. Kaleena is there for moral support. Which I am very glad for (J needs it. Thats for certain) . But they are also out of touch.
Hkyplayer is back to the ole 9-5 today. Helping his Dad out and making some $. But weird to know we cannot chat online on a whim. I will admit though, kinda fun getting the early morning phone call knowing we are on the same exact schedule.
Plus I know anytime we are making $ we are happy.
Just feels like a strange day today! Per usual, I will be so thankful when tonight is done. Hostess job was nutso yesterday with Father's Day. No celebrity sightings- Carlos Beltran was at the other location. :) Instead of my usual salads at work I have been ordering grilled chicken. It has been a nice treat at the end of the shift--- Sundays 3-midnight/Mondays 6-midnight. eeeek. To recap; had a great weekend. Katie & I had a great time on Fri. good appetizers drinks and lotsa laughs! Saturday I stopped into Forever 21 for some sundresses and to Trader Joes for some groceries. It was pouring so it was a great night to watch HGTV & relax!! I am still waiting to hear about my vacation to Montreal. Hopefully they will let me fly out on Thursday as planned. I checked into other flight options and there are no flights besides the one I have for that time in the day non-stop. I will blog with any update on that end!
Here are some pics of my purchases from Forever21 on Saturday. I tried on about 30 items but narrowed it down to 3. I will mainly be in the backyard pool side so I went for comfy/cute vs. dressy. :)

i want to go back and get this!!!

Friday, June 19, 2009

t.g.i.f. folks

hope everyone has a great weekend!! tonight katie & i are going to happy hour at UNOs. everytime i go to a 'chain restaurant' in the city i feel lame because we have so many unknown lil hot spots but heres why! i went for a run last Sunday before my hostess job and stumbled across this new plaza RIGHT next to my apartment. cute outdoor seating for UNOs, AppleBees, Panera & Starbucks! Ok. might not sound like ground breaking news per say...in Upstate NY (where I am from originally) we have one of these plazas every half mile...but in QUEENS! no such thing! we are on a budget. but UNOs offers those great 1/2 appetizer menus for happy hr. ever since I ran past it I am craving!!!! Her boyfriend is coming into town so it will be an early night. Fine by me! Saturday I might meet up with Janel...she just moved to the Upper East Side & I am yet to see her apartment. Sunday I am working an extra long shift because of Father's Day. Ok by me. Momma & Dad are off to Cayman Islands Sunday anyway. (JERKS!) & I need the money...I plan on buying a couple new sundresses for my time with the hkyplayer up in Montreal next weekend!! YIPEE! I hope everyone enjoys the weekend & has the chance to have some special time for their Dad's! xx

heres a pic of Katie & I's Coney Island weekend last week! It was FREEZING...not a beach day. Our bikinis did not see the light of Day! But it was still fun to go & experience it. I Blackberry Googled the history of Coney Island & it dates back to the 1600's. Native American's were the first to name it Coney Island. Cool or what?..Our friend Alison took the shots. Needless to say, shes an amazing photographer...

my rules to live by

1. You get more with sugar
than you do with salt.
2. Treat others the way you would like to be treated
3. Do not compare your life to to others;
you have no idea what their journey is about.
4. Everything in Moderation.
5. I would rather have 5 quality friends
than 500 not so great friends.
6. Work Hard, Play Hard
7. Before you can be happy with some one else,
you have to be happy with yourself
8. Just about everyone is doing the best they can
9. Never 'save an outfit'.
Why not just wear it & look good today.
10. If we all threw our problems in a pile
and saw everyone else's,
we'd grab our own back.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Diet? what diet?

mid-morning snack:
pop secret: butter
soup & salad..
mid-afternoon snack:
dr. pepper & Swedish Fish. (mmm....)

side note; what must my colleagues think?!?!!!!
date with the gym tonight? A MUST.
For I know the plans I have for you, declares the LORD, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.
~ Jeremiah 29:11

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

how great is this pic. Soccer player Steven Gerard's wife Alex & her recession proof way of transporting luggage in the airport.
Ahh the life of a trophy wife...
On June 25th I will be on a flight to Montreal to visit with hkyplayer & his family. & in particular...Ali J! YAY! Ali J is hkyplayer's sisters & one of my very best friends. Every Friday she BBMs me HAPPY FRIDAY & the cutest messages. She moved to Vancouver, B.C. last summer with her great boyfriend and I have not seen them since! FAR too long. She is the most athletic girl I know, sucha inspiration to me
*Ali J & Spartan*
Running marathons is a MONTHLY occurrence. She rewards herself with massages & an occasional steak vs. the cupcakes and of late- Sour patch kids (Woops!!) like me. She has motivated me to stay on track though with my latest healthy life style. ie. I have cut out dairy and feel a LOT better and have been staying focused on what I am eating, why, and how my workouts are going. Anyway, feeling a whole lot better since my post -- see Dana Torres below ;) Here is a picture of her & her 'puppy' Spartan. She is flying w/ Spartan from BC to Montreal! HE IS HUGE!! Only a couple months old. I cannot wait to see how hkyplayer and in particular, hkyplayer's Dad, handle having a new puppy in their house! Should be very, very fun! Counting the days... Tonight we are suppose to be having a work happy hour. We will see if it is still on as a lot of accounts have been working long hours with upcoming campaigns. I am 50-50. I would like to go and have some laughs. But I would also like to come home after work and clean the apt. a little bit and watch junk-reality tv.. we shall see..Happy Tuesday blogettes.. xx

Monday, June 15, 2009

Daydream The Stress Away With a Dress!

too busy to blog....trying to get all my colleagues out the door to Copenhagen with their itineraries and info for a new biz. pitch eek.!!! to remain sane; i am checking out the wedding dresses on jcrew.com. my hs grad dress was from jcrew. my confirmation dress= jcrew..but wedding dress?!! whatta concept. but heres my rationale. i will only wear it once. the cost of an expensive dress makes my palms sweaty. now just gotta brainwash the hkyplayer into making the big step... ;) ;) ...& what more could a girly girl want then a classic cut, a bow here or there or a ruffle...for under a $1,000.....

& these cinderella shoes......

Friday, June 12, 2009

eventful friday!

eventful and it is not even 10:00 am! i called the night job to let them know i have to potentially work late in the office monday night next week. might not be able to take a shift. they then asked me to work a lot 4th of July wknd the following weekend is my youngest brother's grad party, so I do not have concrete plans for that wknd. I am pretty sure I will take everyone's shifts. take 1 for the team ;) spoke to Momma, she launched into this whole discussion about how my Dad was asking my thoughts on raising future children Catholic. This discussion was happening as my co-workers arrived @ the office. Katie was like who in the heck are you talking to about creation, religion and philosophical topics at 9am on a Friday! ha! woke up to the sweetest msg. from the hkyplayer in which he spelled out a lot of promises of the upcoming season in Europe & next summer. We plan on being together asap. and the whole happily ever after ending. it was the sweetest thing to wake up on a Friday with the rain pouring down and check my BB in bed. it was the best. tonight Katie & I are going out to dinner. much needed! & Saturday we plan on going to Coney Island! YaY! Never been. We want relaxation mixed in with a little fun. Sunday I will work. Gotta make some $$! I hope to fit in workouts all 3 days.. ha. My company ok'ed (finaaaaally) my vacation to Montreal June 25-June 28. I am flying there (first time!), and taking the train back. Ali J (hkyplayers sister & one of my BFFs), will be in town from B.C. yipeee! Have not seen her since last summer.. and with her new lil pup in tow. Hkyplayers brother Luke is graduating high school that wknd. I am excited to be apart of the festivities. In Canada they have quite a different grad ceremony. They all have what we have in the States as a Senior Ball somewhere in downtown Montreal @ a nice hotel. They all stay the night. I think they walk across a stage? Hkyplayer and I are always confusing each other when we talk about hs. grad. because they are so different in each country. It will be so fun to see first hand what it is all about!! Counting down til then ..:) The weekend in between my old college roomie and bff Steph might be in town for an engagement party. Id love to see her. So that would be fun *& a nice distraction from missing family and hkyplayer/his family!

Thursday, June 11, 2009



no lie. the pencil skirt--that was baggy post France, is tight. very tight.
as in..short, quick steps. ugh. the tan pants from Arden B. i have owned since i was a wee-sophmore in college...*they are summer-work-attire go-tos..are obnoxiously tight. WTF.
i have only myself to blame. i know. but it is TOTALLY my schedule ie. work PR job 7:30-6:00 and then night job 2 nights a week. aka no work outs on Sundays & Mondays. i NEED to fix this. for my own sanity, my closet & my wallet. i feel like a whale. a beached one. in France I was at my peak. Eating properly (at least 5 days a wk, as the hkyplayer & I drank quite a lot on the wknds!)and got a solid run in every morning before I logged in. I was happy, smaller AND so happy and in love. Here in NYC- I emotionally eat. I reward myself. I miss my Family & Friends. And sulk.

THAT SAID. drastic changes. here they come. eating properly. working out A LOT....... in a perfect world:
Personal Chef: I need blogger Laura to cook me every meal.
Personal Trainer: & I need blogger Danielle to get my bum moving!
back to reality...so instead...I will travel to your blogs each day to keep myself motivated. times.they.are.a.changing. first day in my new mind-set: pizza for lunch for a meeting. I WILL eat the salad, i WILL not eat 2 pieces of pizza and feel lathargic a minute later... i.will.behave. That 3:00-4:00 time frame kills me. I get so sleepy and hungry... eek.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

quiiiiiz tiiiiiime. brain fried. this is all ya guys get today.

Borrowed this from Newlywed Hostess ...
The things I've done are in italics
1. Started your own blog
2. Slept under the stars
3. Played in a band
4. Visited Hawaii
5. Watched a meteor shower
6. Given more than you can afford to charity
7. Been to Disney world
8. Climbed a mountain
9. Held a praying mantis
10. Sang a solo
11. Bungee jumped
12. Visited Paris ..(LIVED in Paris :))
13. Watched a lightning storm at sea..(as a kid in Cape Cod)
14. Taught yourself an art from scratch ..(cooking!/sewing)
15. Adopted a child
16. Had food poisoning
17. Walked to the top of the Statue of Liberty (stood underneath, it was not open at the time)
18. Grown your own vegetables
19. Seen the Mona Lisa in France
20. Slept on an overnight train
21. Had a pillow fight
22. Hitch hiked
23. Taken a sick day when you’re not ill (couldn't bare to leave my boy, couple summers ago..)
24. Built a snow fort
25. Held a lamb
26. Gone skinny dipping
27. Run a Marathon
28. Ridden in a gondola in Venice
29. Seen a total eclipse
30. Watched a sunrise or sunset
31. Hit a home run
32. Been on a cruise
33. Seen Niagara Falls in person..lived right next it- University
34. Visited the birthplace of your ancestors
35. Seen an Amish community..worked for one!
36. Taught yourself a new language (trying with French)
37. Had enough money to be truly satisfied (HA! never!!)
38. Seen the Leaning Tower of Pisa in person
39. Gone rock climbing
40. Seen Michelangelo’s David
41. Sung karaoke
42. Seen Old Faithful geyser erupt
43. Bought a stranger a meal at a restaurant
44. Visited Africa
45. Walked on a beach by moonlight
46. Been transported in an ambulance
47. Had your portrait painted
48. Gone deep sea fishing
49. Seen the Sistine Chapel in person
50. Been to the top of the Eiffel Tower in Paris (underneath it)
51. Gone scuba diving or snorkeling
52. Kissed in the rain
53. Played in the mud
54. Gone to a drive-in theater
55. Been in a movie
56. Visited the Great Wall of China
57. Started a business
58. Taken a martial arts class
59. Visited Russia
60. Served at a soup kitchen
61. Sold Girl Scout Cookies
62. Gone whale watching
63. Got flowers for no reason..thanx hockey player. & thanks for not making them roses..
64. Donated blood, platelets or plasma (worked at a blood drive, I was too young at the time to donate. HA!)
65. Gone sky diving
66. Visited a Nazi concentration camp
67. Bounced a check ..wooopsy daisy...
68. Flown in a helicopter
69. Saved a favorite childhood toy..American girl dolls.
70. Visited the Lincoln Memorial
71. Eaten caviar (Paris)
72. Pieced a quilt
73. Stood in Times Square....every.day.
74. Toured the Everglades
75. Been fired from a job..bartending. hole in the wall bar in Syracsue
76. Seen the Changing of the Guards in London
77. Broken a bone, left wrist.
78. Been on a speeding motorcycle
79. Seen the Grand Canyon in person
80. Published a book
81. Visited the Vatican
82. Bought a brand new car 2008 Toyota Yaris
83. Walked in Jerusalem
84. Had your picture in the newspaper (cheerleading)
85. Read the entire Bible
86. Visited the White House
87. Killed and prepared an animal for eating
88. Had chickenpox
89. Saved someone’s life
90. Sat on a jury
91. Met someone famous.. weekly...
92. Joined a book club
93. Lost a loved one
94. Had a baby
95. Seen the Alamo in person
96. Swam in the Great Salt Lake
97. Been involved in a law suit
98. Owned a cell phone
99. Been stung by a bee
100. Read an entire book in one day

Tuesday, June 9, 2009


i came across daphne's site after watching a whole buncha Momversation Vlogs yesterday. Daphne is hilarious, and outspoken, smart. etc. Girl Crush. plz plz plz watch her vlogs. so worth it. Mommy Blogs are my guilty pleasure. I kinda feel like how I did in middle school when I got to travel to the high school on a field trip. Kind of like ok that is in my future. And what do all the cool girls do. Back then it was Abercrombie, highlights and Vera Bradley...now it is Motherhood- stay at home moms, highlights, & blogs/vlogs, eating organic & BEING REAL...maybe some day i will be part of that club.

celebrity sightings...to be continued....

ok so here is my exciting story from last night.
my night job (hostessing) at a place in the theater district..gets at least a couple celebrities every night. but i only work sundays and monday nights..so obviously i miss out on some of the fun ones, ie. Katie Couric, David Letterman..etc. well! not last night! & mind you, i do not care what you say. being amongst celebrities is cool. i am a small town girl at heart. i will forever be giddy as can be. i digress....last night, after a busy evening at the restaurant, in walks a very, very handsome boy. i asked if he would be joining us alone..and he made some cute remark about now my wife is strolling along and a couple steps behind. instantly i smiled because i saw she was checking out the menu..the place is ($$$$$$). typical the husband just jumps at steaks. while the wife checks the budget. ha. well IMMEDIATELY i recognized her. She was...Heidi Strobel! This may not mean anything to you mature tv watchers. But to me she is an A List Celeb...Ahem..let me explain. Heidi was on Survivor (I was in college during her season).
She was gorgeous. Southern, Blonde, Fake tatas..sugary sweet...in a bikini..on a stranded island show. Naturally I idolized her. She was bff's with an equally hot girl..Jenna. Needless to say, my Momma couldn't stand the way the girls twirled their hair and did the whole dumb blonde ploy. But! this girl was no dumby. She knew EXACTLY what she was doing. She lasted 36 days out of the 40 days on the show coming in 5th. I loved watching how as a female, you can turn men into lap dogs. Funny & True. Ok last factoid. Her and Jenna stripped down on the show. Buck naked...30 days on a deserted island...on National TV..for Oreos and Peanut Butter. WHO. WOULDN'T. but. i betcha she hates hearing all the lame-o comments about oreos. ANYWAYY...the mngr. told her I had recognized her right away and was a fan of hers when she was on Survivor she thanked him and asked to meet me. CUTE! Moving on.....Her Husband is pitcher Cole Hamels. He was the 2008 MVP World Series pitcher for Philly. And he is HOT. bla bla bla. the guys @ the bar were googly eyed over him. Not the gorgeous blonde wife of his WHO WENT ON TO BE IN PLAYBOY!( i guess after you showed your treasure box n tatas -my pet names- mature I know...on National tv on an island..Playboy is just fine).
I was more googly eyed over her. and the fact they got married in 2006. AND ARE STILL SO CUTE TOGETHER. AND she is married to an athlete (naturally we are blood sisters). and she had her hair up in a ponytail and a hoody on. we do have a dress code. but come on! she looked good. I need to hit the gym. Pronto. thats all for now..swamped with work..shocking....no news for the hkyplayer. it is POURING in the city today...nasty gloomy day..perfect day for a date with a treadmill.

Here is a pic of Heidi and her Hubby Cole Hamels post World Series win

HOW CUTE!! & Heidi is quoted as stating, she did not know who the heck he was the day he asked her out..he wasn't dressed for the game. ;)

Monday, June 8, 2009

pictures from the wknd..pre-hair cut...

The kiddies- Cole, Kaitlin & the Fearless (See Post Below) Colleen...

Hkyplayer & I...we look so weird. ew. but there u go. Apparently my grandmother really listened to the message on his shirt...

My Brother's gf Carly, who I called Kelsey a bunch of times..nice one..Bro Kev & Bro SJ

My cousin Jenny (from Germany) & I

still sulking post wknd-vaca.

hi all. i am finally getting out of my post-wknd funk. it was terribly difficult to say goodbyes to the hkyplayer *YES!! HE CAME!*, the puppy, and my entire family. i lost it in the kitchen once, in front of Momma and the hkyplayer. but other than that i think i did damn good. hkyplayer reassured me we are close to the end. that i will go and join him in europe and the long distance is over before we know it. aka ALL I NEEDED TO HEAR. he drove down early Friday morning. he was amazing to say the least, golfed with my dad and brothers, put up with my Grandma's flirting with him- yes flirting. At one point she was twirling his leg hair. I wish I was joking and I am so sorry for the mental picture. Shudder.. he just really was fantastic about the crazy family stuff. Big Bonus pts. We did A LOT of eating. eek. I didnt do ANY working out..I just am in a stage where I cannot pull myself away from family when I am visiting..the time is to precious. But i WILL make up for it. I promised myself on the plane ride I am really going to revamp the working out and eating....that idea of oh I deserve to reward myself...is crap. It will stop soon. ie. I deserve a cupcake for working out last night, I deserve to eat a huge dinner because I did not eat anything for lunch..wrong wrong wrong. Anyway- that was the only downfall of the wknd. We ate good food and drank lots of wine. But other than that, we got to go out on my parents boat, had good weather, the boys golfed, I got my hair done (cut & highlights --so-so on it), went to the movies - hkyplayer and I snuck away for a 12:00 movie....we saw the Hangover. I would like to give a review on it but frankly, my head was practically in the popcorn bowl- yes..we got popcorn..with butter. yeessssh!!!!...and he dropped me off at the airport. it was just so nice.
here is one lil story- my cousin Jineane & I are very close. I was in her wedding years ago..and she now has 2 young girls, Colleen and Kaitlin. Over the wknd I realized by the time she was my age she was married and had Colleen..nuts!!! Anyway, Colleen is just great (4 yrs old). So talkative. So she comes up to hkyplayer & I saying come to the water (we were at our marina), and see this giant spider. Needless to say, the spider was M.I.A. but come to find....a GIANT water moccassin. I am telling you HUGE. --->

so I grab her hoisting her up- in my sundress and all and start quiet screaming think...jumping up and down freaking out with no words as I did not want to freak her out.. and she yells Grandma! we saw a snake. calm as a cucumber and says 'don't worry Katie they are scared of us a lot more than we are of them'. kids these days...this thing looked like a freaking boa constrictor. and we heard it SLITHER. what the?!!!??!!! I am off to my night job...another shudder..the last place I want to be. But I know with all this traveling, it is DEF. necessary.. ugh.
* On a side note; hkyplayer is thinking Italy. His agent called with a team that needs a European passport- right defense man..ding ding ding! i will def. let you know when the decision is made. I will shout it from the roof tops in fact....I will updated some pictures from the wknd courtesy of my Aunt Paula. Happy Monday to you all, and as always, I will be so GLAD to blog tomorrow...free to have my one job, grocery shop (my fridge has tofu and lettuce), and GO TO THE GYM!!! xxx

Thursday, June 4, 2009


hi all!! happy almost friday. i am so siked- 3 followers. i am shocked!..meanwhile i have not blogged in a wk. eek. ok back at it. tonight i am flying home to my parents house! yay. i hard to work reaaally hard to get friday "off"- i will probably end up working from home. my mom's entire side of the family will be in town, including my cousin n uncle from Germany. i am foreseeing lots of boat rides, late night hot tub & wine, some good laughs with the bffs and catching some sun! on saturday they are having an annual festival called 'taste of syracuse'- where all the great restaurants have tents set up with their good food - i am looking for good thin crust pizza, draft beers and some home made yummy desserts.... Kevin Bacon's band plays there every year (weird?!). soo great music as well. Bff KMN plans on going. fun fun fun...
i told myself i would not share my drama today w. anyone..some days i regret discussing anything in my personal life @ work..it follows u around all day.. so here i will share it. the hkyplayer insisted on coming this wknd. i was adament about him NOT coming. just a LOT of family..no alone time...not necessary. but he plowed ahead and made golf plans w dad & brothers. Momma told g'ma- who then told everyone. needless to say all were very excited. most family has not seen hkyplayer since pre-France. well...guess who is now Backing Out. as of 11:30 last night. He does not have transportation...the car is in the shop & a friend (who's neck i want to ring) is backing out of letting hkyplayer borrow his car....anyone heard of amtrak...greyhound.... just sayin...last thought: i think it is important for them to meet him. i changed my life for him- ie. moving to France from NYC last yr...and potentially moving to Europe again. for him. I want their approval....hkyplayer not showing= non-approval.......but i am determined to enjoy my weekend regardless. lets hope all my flights go out ok. as i have had quite a nasty history with Jet Blue.
in the meantime, i will be listening to Bellas Lullaby through out the work day..for all you twilight fans...gearing up for New Moon!!!! i just have to say, Kristen Stewarts akward award speech just really sucked me back into things. Amaazingly awkward & hilarious.
I think we might be the same person..minus like 50 lbs. another obsession. "It Sucked & Then I Cried, How I had a Baby, A Breakdown & A Much Needed Margarita", by Heather B. Armstrong, creator of dooce.com...it is a GREAT/EASY/ENJOYABLE- LAUGH OUTLOUD read..im telling you i giggle non-stop on the Subway home.. chat soon. i hope all my 3 (!!) followers have a fab. wknd...xxxx