Wednesday, August 26, 2009


Seriously though. I am head over heels in love some certain ppls blogs.
ie. Chic Runner, Pink Sass, Quite Contrary...etc.. I need to check them every morning after my early morning report is sent out.

Chic Runner is my idol in the running realm.
Because of her I bought my very first running belt. JUST NOW!!
I felt like such a cheeseball running in Central Park last night holding a water bottle.
Hopefully I will like my new running belt.
It also has a pouch which is muy bueno because I need my Company I.D. card to re-enter the building all sweaty and nast. post run. (Not annoying @ all).....
AND this is why I am a groupie. I got the belt online (luv online shopping! entertaining @ work, and when you get the pkg it is like fricking Christmas Day). But I got it off a site that Chic Runner recommends...Road Runners Sport. If you become a VIP member--$ then have FREE SHIPPING. Someone pinch me.

This is Chic Runner & her running belt-- I even think of her blogs I was running with $$ in my sports bra last night (to buy the said water bottle) and I was so worried it fell out...She once blogged about losing car keys MID RACE. My Goodness makes my palms sweaty just thinking about the possibility!! So hopefully I will luv my lil belt and never fear losing $/ID/Keys again!! I will let you know.

((Yes. She runs while taking pictures. WACKO. I am typically worried about breathing/running/thinking all at the same time without tumbiling down a hill.))

& HERE is my future running buddy... it is light pink. I know. Not typical moi. But! it will work. (Usually I like an UnderArmour-look to my running gear).

1 comment:

Chic Runner said...

Ah it's so cute!!! :) You will love it and that one looks pretty cute. Thanks for the shout out. I love the other bloggers you posted me with as well. :) YAY! I think of everyone on my runs too and yes, the car key story sucked ha ha