The hkyplayer has signed. this morning he officially signed for the 2009-2010 season with a team, St. Francis Saints, Sherbrooke, Q.C. A press conference will be taking place this evening announcing he has signed, it will be a suprise to everyone. he was a 'fan favorite' as he played their his first season after we graduated. when i was in the stands a lot of fans approached me asking if he liked it there etc. he is from Montreal, so he is kind of a 'home town boy'.
(Sherbrooke is NORTH of Montreal. By North I mean in the mountains, you will not hear a lick of English, and they shut down roads in the winter because of snow)...oh and when we use to drive back from games he would have ME be on the look out for moose. Yes. Moose crossing, like the Abercrombie & Fitch moose but less cute.
so needless to say; he will be LIGHT YEARS away from NYC. seriously, he mine as well be in Europe. & speaking of, when we were in France for 3 months I had to keep reminding myself I was not in Sherbrooke, and was in fact in the real deal- Southern France. THAT is how much French we are talking about. When I would go shopping, to get coffee, in the stands etc..NO ENGLISH. they are shocked and whip around when they would hear me speak, thinking what is this strange girl doing in this place. That's me. The strange girl.
Yep. They are right. Strange girl = weird American girl with college degree, PR professional, NYC inhabitant who follows her boyfriend to all the ends of the earth to support his career; that just so happens to be a professional athlete.
More to come on how this new life changing decision will alter the future...
In the meantime... 4 Shifts left at the night job. Seriously I could fricking jump up and down right now. I am bringing my Mom's-friends-daughter to interview for my position next Monday. Hopefully everyone will like each other! She is one of those, 'I must live in NYC girls', and moved down here with no job. This might be a good fit for her.
This past weekend I shopped, a lot. New shoes, vintage sundress/belt, 2 skirts... la la la...What?! Hkyplayer's birthday celebration is this upcoming wknd?!! WOOPSIES. I thought that meant I get a new weekend wardrobe. :) :)
Until then, I will be shopping for classy winter-wear for cold hockey rinks and autumn Northern Quebec weekend excursions....